
Real Property

Establishing Property Ownership Rights in Property in Utah, Part 2

Property disputes are common. Unraveling a property dispute, however, can take some fancy footwork and legal wrangling. You have questions, so let me give you a few answers. There are a number of legal avenues to assert rights to property including ownership rights, possession rights, and use rights. I previously wrote about the ownership right

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Establishing Property Ownership Rights in Property in Utah, Part 1

Part 1 of 3: Fences Make Good Neighbors. Property disputes are common. Unraveling a property dispute, however, can take some fancy footwork and legal wrangling. You have questions, so let me give you a few answers. There are a number of legal avenues to assert rights to property including ownership rights, possession rights, and use

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The Open and Obvious Hazard Defense to Premises Liability Claims in Utah

In Utah, claims against landowners, i.e., ‘premises liability’ claims, are subject to the ‘open and obvious hazard‘ defense. This defense is the assertion that the injured person failed to protect themselves from a risk that should have been apparent to them. Businesses and landowners who may have customers, clients, or patrons visit their property should

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You Want to Appraise Real Property in Utah? Here Are Some Pointers

The Utah courts of appeal recently are breaking out the creative stick. Here’s the most recent literary opening gambit: “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley an lea’s us nought but grief an’ pain for promis’d joy.” Robert Burns, Tae a Moose, in The Best Laid Schemes: Selected Poetry & Prose of

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